Additional Resources2021-06-21T11:07:45-05:00

Songs from Session 1

Reaching Out

Take Heart by Matthew West

He Still Does (Miracles) by Hawk Nelson

Free My Soul

Which area would you like to develop, strengthen, or learn more about?

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Allow Yourself (& Others) to Change

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Watch For Watch for “always” or “never” in YOUR thoughts and words. As you catch yourself using these words you can remind yourself that you (and others) have the power to choose, which gives you (and others) the power to change. Study Study the Repentance [...]

Countering Satan’s Separation Tactics

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Song Comparing ourselves to others can separate us from the collaborative power we can have as we work together with others. The Me You Made by Matthew West A great message from the song writer about the message of the song: Study What [...]

Generalize Study Tool

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Practice Practice Generalizing as you study the scriptures. Things to think about when generalizing: Context (What is the background? What has already happened to these people? What is the culture or historical significance? What do the events mean to the people in the story?) Situation (What is [...]

God Is Helping Us Do What We Chose to Do

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Song Heavenly Father never loses sight of the end goal of us returning to Him and being like Him. But He didn't choose this goal for us. We chose this. He is offering His help to get us there. While we are on earth we get to [...]

God’s Methods Compared to Satan’s Tactics

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Study “The Striking Contrast between the Savior and the Adversary” in the April 2021 Liahona Magazine Although we shouldn't dwell more on satan's attributes and tactics more than God's, there is benefit to being aware of how he works. The scriptures teach us a lot about how [...]

Seeing God Where He Is

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Watch An experience in learning to see God where He is from songwriter Michael McLean. Watch A video version of the story of the man who asks God for help, but doesn't see God's hand in the people who come to rescue him. [...]

Understanding God’s Attributes

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

SongsHis Promises by Hilary WeeksThis song uses phrases from the scriptures to teach us about God. Think about what attributes you see in the words of this Song.It includes a great collection of scriptures to use to study more about what God is like. We have talked about [...]

We Are Unfinished & That is OK

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Song This song reminds us that we are still a work in progress. We can accept that and allow ourselves to be. When satan tries to remind us that we aren't good enough or that we're too far behind to keep trying, we can remember that God [...]

What Christ Has Done to Help Us

By |May 25th, 2021|Categories: Class Resources|

Study Christ wants us to repent so we don't have to suffer like He did (see D&C 19:16-19). "We will end up either choosing Christ's manner of living or His manner of suffering!" - Neal A. Maxwell “What Has Our Savior Done for Us?” by Dallin H. Oaks [...]

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