The Wanderer

Novel Written and Illustrated by Sharon Creech

About --Ability, Achievement, Adaptation, Ancestors, Attitude, Begin with the End in Mind, Brave, Challenges, Commitment, Confidence, Confidence, Determination, Emotions, Endurance, Evaluation, Experience, Family, Forgiveness, Growth, Happiness, Hard working, Hardship, Helpful, Identity, Improvement, Moving forward & upward, Optimism, Perseverance, Persistence, Perspective, Planning, Problem Solving, Protection, Purposeful, Self-worth, Skillful, Steadfast, Talents, Trials, Trust

book cover


Follow Sophie across the sea as she faces her fears in an attempt to discover who she is.

Possible Lessons / Morals to the Story

  • Fears are real but can be overcome
  • Adoption makes you part of a family
  • Family may not always get along but they can help each other in the toughest times
  • Even young children have great strength within themselves to conquer adversity

Discussion Questions

  • Why did Sophie want to go on this trip?
  • What problems did Sophie face while at sea?
  • How did Sophie's family feel about her in the beginning of the story?
  • How did they feel about her at the end of the story?
  • So what things happened to change their attitude about Sophie?
  • Summarize the story.
  • What did you learn from this story?
  • How can you take what you learned and become a better person?
  • What can you do to face your fears?
  • What does it mean to persist?
  • What things did Sophie persist through?
  • What did Sophie's persistence get her?
  • How can you become persistent?

How You Could Use this Resource

  • To illustrate that we are able to overcome our fears
  • To illustrate that fears are a part of us all
  • To teach that family is important and valuable even if you are adopted into one
  • To teach that strength comes from within
  • To broaden your understanding of nautical terms

Our Pledge to you:
We strive to only recommend resources of the highest moral quality. It's our ideal to not have swear words or suggestive content. We understand that sometimes that's hard to find. The resources listed on this site will never have bad language or innuendo that is excessive, the focus, graphic, or explicit. We will do our best to list cautions about specific resources so you can make informed decisions about what is desirable or appropriate for yourself and your family.