The Wanderer Novel Written and Illustrated by Sharon Creech About --Ability, Achievement, Adaptation, Ancestors, Attitude, Begin with the End in Mind, Brave, Challenges, Commitment, Confidence, Confidence, Determination, Emotions, Endurance, Evaluation, Experience, Family, Forgiveness, Growth, Happiness, Hard working, Hardship, Helpful, Identity, Improvement, Moving forward & upward, Optimism, Perseverance, Persistence, Perspective, Planning, Problem Solving, Protection, Purposeful, Self-worth, Skillful, Steadfast, Talents, Trials, Trust
Follow Sophie across the sea as she faces her fears in an attempt to discover who she is. Possible Lessons / Morals to the Story
- Fears are real but can be overcome
- Adoption makes you part of a family
- Family may not always get along but they can help each other in the toughest times
- Even young children have great strength within themselves to conquer adversity
Discussion Questions
- Why did Sophie want to go on this trip?
- What problems did Sophie face while at sea?
- How did Sophie's family feel about her in the beginning of the story?
- How did they feel about her at the end of the story?
- So what things happened to change their attitude about Sophie?
- Summarize the story.
- What did you learn from this story?
- How can you take what you learned and become a better person?
- What can you do to face your fears?
- What does it mean to persist?
- What things did Sophie persist through?
- What did Sophie's persistence get her?
- How can you become persistent?
How You Could Use this Resource
- To illustrate that we are able to overcome our fears
- To illustrate that fears are a part of us all
- To teach that family is important and valuable even if you are adopted into one
- To teach that strength comes from within
- To broaden your understanding of nautical terms